
2013 Higher Self World Tour

Here you will find the list of all events for Lincoln’s 2013 World Tour.

March 9: Val Verde, California (north of Los Angeles)

10:00 am to 3:00 pm at a private residence in the quiet community of Val Verde.

Experience a heart-centered Higher Self channeling, uplifting guided meditation, question and answer time, and informal socializing… all in a quiet setting, clean air mountain setting only 45 minutes from downtown LA.

The event will being on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 10:00am and conclude around 3:00pm that day. Chairs will be provided, but bring an extra folding chair, cushion or pillow just in case we fill the room. Also, bring tea or a light (and healthy) snack if you think you will be hungry by the end of the event. The guided meditations and formal teachings will conclude around 2:00, after which informal socializing will begin. It is best to eat only a light breakfast that day to keep your energy system at high levels to get the most out of the channeling and meditations. If you have any other questions, send me a message using the contact form.

Requested donation amount is $30-50. Donations help to cover my travel expenses and to fund future events.

Skype-logo-100Participation is also available on Skype. Limited to 18 attendees. When registering, tell me that you will be attending on Skype.

IMPORTANT >>> Please register for this event using the contact form. I will reply by sending you the address of the location and directions from Rte 5.

April 27, 28: Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia USA

Master the Creation of Your Life: True Secrets for Success

Participate in an in-depth workshop by Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self. In this 2-day workshop you will learn how to successfully:

Create your life journey
Know your soul’s path
Honor your heart’s desires
Transform your own life
Achieve your goals
Feel joy and bliss no matter what your life’s circumstances are
Connect with your own Higher Self

The event will include Higher Self channeled teachings and guided meditations, and open floor Q & A to answer your specific questions.

Event runs Saturday April 27 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday April 28 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Attendance on both days is not required but is highly recommended.

The event will take place at the Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta. The clubhouse is located 20 miles from the Atlanta International Airport. Assistance with transportation can be arranged with the group of attendees. Directions can be generated using this Google map link.


Early registration before April 15 is set at $50 for one day or $90 for both days. Please register for this event here.

Tickets at the door will be available for $60 for one day or $110 for both days.

Note: I will be traveling from Sedona, Arizona to host this special event. These will very likely be my only events in the Southeast USA for 2013.

Skype Participation Just Added

Skype-logo-100To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

May 4: Atlanta (Stone Mountain), Georgia USA

Nature Walk at Stone Mountain

Enjoy a relaxing afternoon walk, short guided meditations and social time with Lincoln Gergar and other spiritually-minded and open-hearted people. There is no cost for this event. Everyone and anyone is welcome. No registration is necessary. Please arrive at a few minutes prior to 1:00 pm.

This is a great opportunity to experience the social side of Lincoln and to meet others in your community who share a similar heart-centered approach to life. Make new friends and bring old ones. I look forward to meeting you all there.

Park Address:

1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd
Stone Mountain, GA 30083

Directions can be generated using this Google map link.

May 5: Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia USA

Awakening Inner Peace in a World of Change: Mind and Emotion Mastery

1-day workshop led by Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self. Using spiritual methods from the ancient teachings of yogis, monks, gurus, and saints, you will be taught how to successfully:

Control your mind with ease
Experience unshakable inner peace
Understand your chakras
Remove karmic patterns
Live with confidence and clarity

The event will take place at the Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta. The clubhouse is located 20 miles from the Atlanta International Airport. Assistance with transportation can be arranged with the group of attendees. Directions can be generated using this Google map link.


Early registration before April 15 is set at $50 for the day. Please register for this event here.

Tickets at the door will be available for $60.

Note: I will be traveling from Sedona, Arizona to host this special event. These will very likely be my only events in the Southeast USA for 2013.

Skype Participation Just Added

Skype-logo-100To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

June 7: Los Angeles (Tarzana), California USA

Meet Lincoln, YouTube’s Channel Higher Self: Social Potluck Dinner

7:00 pm to midnight at a private residence in the LA suburb, Tarzana.

facebook-event-2013-06-07Join an informal dinner get-together in the greater Los Angeles area to meet Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Channel Higher Self. On June 7th beginning at 7:00 pm, the doors will open to anyone interested in meeting Lincoln and other spiritual-minded and Love-hearted people.

This is a low key, open hearted potluck dinner. Please bring a healthy dish of food to share with everyone. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted. Pets are not allowed.

One of the many purposes for this dinner event is to meet many students of the Channel Higher Self teachings. Often during and after events little time is available for informal socializing. This dinner event will re-awaken those lost opportunities for spiritual discussions and just plain fun.

Meeting other people in the greater Los Angeles area who share similar spiritual interests and healthy lifestyles may spark new friendships.

Another purpose is to help “break the ice” the night before the Channel Higher Self event on June 8th: “The Empowerment of Your Spiritual Self Within This World”. By having the group of attendees meet prior to the event, energetic harmonies will already have been created when Saturday’s workshop begins. Saturday’s workshop will help us to bring more of our Spiritual Selves into this world – so setting up the energetics in a social setting is the perfect foundation!

Attending Saturday’s Higher Self workshop is not necessary. Attendance at the potluck is open to any good-hearted person.

IMPORTANT >>> Please register for this event using the contact form. I will reply by sending you the address of the location and directions.

June 8: Los Angeles (Val Verde), California USA

The Empowerment of Your Spiritual Self Within this World

10:00 am to 5:00 pm at a private residence in the quiet community of Val Verde.

facebook-event-2013-06-08Learn how to live more fully as your Higher Self in every moment of your life – whether meditating, walking, working or socializing. We are always in the Heart of God, but often we step out of this realization. I will help you to live this experience at all times – wherever you are in this world.

Experience heart-centered Higher Self channelings, energy-raising guided meditations, spiritual centering practices, question and answer time, and informal socializing… all in a quiet, clean air mountain home only 45 minutes from downtown LA.

Please bring your own lunch and/or light snack. We will break around 1:30pm for a 30 minute lunch. On this day it is best to eat a light breakfast to keep your energy system at high levels. This will help you to get the most out of the channelings and meditations. If you have any other questions, send me a message using the contact form.

Requested donation amount is $50. Donations help to cover my travel expenses and to fund future events.

IMPORTANT >>> Please register for this event using the contact form. I will reply by sending you the address of the location and directions from Rte 5.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100Participate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

June – August 2013: Europe: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland

The 2013 Higher Self European Tour is set! All dates and events are listed below. I’ll be offering 8 workshops on 8 different topics of self-mastery and spiritual awakening, presented in 4 countries and 6 cities. I look forward to working with you in person, sharing the Higher Self knowledge, energy and Love.

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Bromley (London), United Kingdom
  • Bekenham (London), United Kingdom
  • Dereham (Norwich), United Kingdom
  • Zurich, Switzerlands
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands

If you live in Europe and want to help set up an event, use the contact from on the Host an Event page. More events will be posted as they are confirmed. Check back often.

Personal Higher Self channeling sessions will be available in the days before and after the events. If you would like to schedule your own Higher Self channeling or consultation session, please contact me.

June 22: Centrum de Roos in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Channel-Higher-Self-Amsterdam-1Connecting With Your Higher Self

Connect more deeply to your Higher Self in this 4 hour workshop – all given from the channeled Higher Self state.

We all have within us a greater consciousness, intelligence, power and Love. Some spiritual traditions call it the Soul, Buddha Nature, God Consciousness, the Natural State, Superconsciousness, Enlightenment or the Authentic Self. I call it the Higher Self. It is the greater part of ourselves that exists as wisdom, Love and creative power. We all exist as this greater consciousness, however few of us know how to awaken it and live as it.

In this workshop you will receive direct teachings to help you understand what the Higher Self is, and more importantly, instructions on how to directly reach this state of self-realization.

My entire life I have lived with a conscious connection to the Higher Self, using it as a child to increase my performance in many areas of life and to help others . Since 2007, I have taught tens of thousands of people to strengthen their own Higher Self connection. Now, in this workshop you will receive in-person assistance. Receive guidance, learn methods, ask questions, and get answers.

Skype Participation Available

PSkype-logo-100articipate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

Date: Saturday June 22, 2013
1:30 pm (13:30) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
Vondelzaal room at Centrum de Roos, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam
Price: € 50

Please register for this event here. You may pay at the event. Pre-pay is not necessary.

June 30: Centrum de Roos in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Opening to Your Heart’s Desire: Gaining Clarity in your Life


Why are we here? What is the purpose of our life? Is there a soul and does the soul have it’s own purpose or plan for our lives? How can we experience our soul and know our life purpose?

Enjoy a 3 hour Higher Self channeled workshop that will help you to understand the root causes of your most important desires, why you have these desires, and how to achieve your goals. Some of our desires are only passing whims, but other desires have a very important purpose in our lives.

Receive guidance to help you to better understand your own heart’s desires – the primary purposes for your human incarnation. Guidance will be given to assist you in becoming your own master as you gain the clarity and confidence to create your life from deeper within.

Learn Higher Self Sway Test – using your body as a pendulum to receive accurate intuition from your Higher Self – that is not blocked or changed by your thoughts. Awaken your Spiritual Heart (the deepest human energy center) to receive more creative energy, mental clarity and spiritual bliss and Love. Learn methods to connect your conscious mind with your Higher Self consciousness to receive intuitive knowledge and support.

This workshop will give you supportive information to remove doubt and confusion, specific instruction to empower you, and unique methods to help you become more connected within. By the end of our time together you will have a fuller experience of your spiritual self and know how to effectively guide your life forward.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100Participate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

Date: Sunday June 30, 2013
1:30 pm (13:30) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
Expressiezaal room at Centrum de Roos, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam
Price: € 50

Please register for this event here. You may pay at the event. Pre-pay is not necessary.

July 6: Private Home in Grays (London), United Kingdom

Awaken Divine Love From Within Your Spiritual Heart

Lincoln-Breez300Enjoy a 4 hour Higher Self channeled workshop at a private home near London, United Kingdom.

Experience the joy of awakening the deepest spiritual energy center in your human being: the Spiritual Heart. Deeper than the heart muscle, deeper than the anahata heart chakra, deeper than the emotions of joy and compassion, is the Spiritual Heart. Referenced in numerous ancient scripture and spiritual books, the Spiritual Heart is the doorway through which our Higher Self’s blissful energy shines.

This workshop will guide you in opening the Spiritual Heart, allowing your Higher Self to bath your body in blissful ecstasy, nourish your emotions in Divine Love, and silence your mind in timeless peace. This event provides all the information and tools necessary to help you take control of your human being, by surrendering to God what is unnecessary and embracing what is.

Deep meditation is made easy in this workshop as the confusion of over thinking is removed by the radiance of your heart. Our thoughts are always chasing after happiness, desire after desire. When the source of our happiness is awakened from within our hearts, the mind naturally and effortlessly falls silent. We live in peace, knowing who we are. From this peace, we radiate blissful Love energy. We are empowered in every moment, embracing the experience of human co-creation. Meditation brings us into ourselves. Love brings us out into this world.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100Participate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

Date: Saturday July 6, 2013
1:00 pm (13:00) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
Location: CHANGED
Private home in Grays, Essex – south of London, England. Address and directions will be emailed to you after registration.
Price: £59 at the door or £49 prepay with online registration.

Please register for this event here. Directions and event instructions will be emailed after registering.

July 7: The Spirited Palace in London, United Kingdom.

Awaken Inner Peace in a World of Change: Mind and Emotion Mastery at All Times

Lincoln-Yoga-Barn300Enjoy a 4 hour Higher Self channeled workshop at The Spirited Palace restaurant in London, United Kingdom.

The world is changing very quickly. Often we feel pulled out of balance as our lives change. In this workshop you will learn how to stay centered and at peace during challenging times – both personal and global.

Using a combination of knowledge and methods from many ancient schools and the Higher Self teachings , you will be learn how to successfully control your mind and experience unshakable inner peace. Instruction will include lessons on the emotional energy system and the locations of your behavioral patterns. Underlying the emotional patterns are belief patterns that create your responses to life. You will learn how to remove belief patterns that do not serve you and replace them with ones that do.

In addition to receiving practices to clean and clear your emotional system, techniques will be given to help you control your mind, especially during times of anxiety and fear. There is a direct link between the emotional energy centers and the mind and thoughts. To achieve the greatest inner peace, mastery of both the mind and emotions is essential. This workshop will help you achieve this mastery with ease.

The struggle of self-control, self-healing and spiritual growth is easily removed when we work from a place of higher consciousness and use practices that operate in harmony with Universal laws.

Date: Sunday July 7, 2013
1:00 pm (13:00) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
CHANGED The Spirited Palace Restaurant, 105 Church Rd, Crystal Palace, London, SE19 2PR
Price: £49 at the door or £39 prepay with online registration.

Please register for this event here. Directions and event instructions will be emailed after registering.

July 13-14: Retreat at The Old Workshop in Dereham (Norwich), United Kingdom

Peace, Power and Love: A Retreat into the Mastery of Your Self

Higher-Self-Retreat-UKSpend 2 days in a natural, peaceful setting as we share together in the Higher Self Teachings, channeled messages, guided meditations, gentle yoga, music, games and social activities. This retreat is a mix of heart-centered spiritual development, mental serenity and emotional nourishment. Like any traditional spiritual retreat, the focus will be more on the doing and less on the talking about doing.

Join together with people who share a similar heart-centered spiritual approach to life. This is a gentle retreat sprinkled in with fun experience for adults, families and children. There will be channeled teachings and sitting meditation periods alternated with time to reflect and discuss our experiences.

We will begin each day with gentle yoga* and guided meditation to awaken our bodies, minds, and chakras. Receive Higher Self teachings and guided meditations throughout the daylight hours. Discuss our experiences to increase the wisdom we live by. Honor the sunset with Surya Namaskara and a 2nd relaxing yoga session*. At the end of each day, we celebrate with social interactions, music and dance.

* I am a certified yoga instructor with the International Board of Yoga and the Yoga Alliance USA. I received my training in India, studying the traditional methods. During these yoga sessions, you will receive individual instruction on posture, alignment, breath control and mind control.

The location is The Old Workshop in Dereham – a 2+ acre spiritual retreat center, complete with numerous buildings and open pasture.

You have the option of purchasing catered meals at 15 pounds per person. This will cover your meals on Saturday and Sunday. The meals will be vegetarian. You may also choose to bring your own food with you.

If you plan to stay overnight on the property, some buildings will be available but indoor sleeping space may be limited due to the number of people attending. Please bring your own sleeping bag. If you wish to camp on the properly, bring a tent.

On Saturday night, we will have a music, dance and fire. If you would like, you may bring a musical instrument and join in the fun. Also performance equipment like hula hoops, fire spinning, illumination may be brought.

Donation only. No set amount. Donate any amount that feels right within your Heart. This retreat center was generously offered to host our social event. Your donations will be used to to help future Higher Self events and offset my travel costs throughout Europe.

Date: Saturday July 13, 2013 – Sunday July 14, 2013
9:00 am (9:00) on Saturday to 6:00 pm (18:00) on Sunday
Location: Private residence in Dereham. Address will be emailed after registration.
Price: There is no set amount for this event. Please donate an amount that feels right in your hearts.

* You may arrive Friday evening after 4:00 pm (16:00) if you like. The event will not begin until Saturday morning.

Please register for this event here. Directions and event instructions will be emailed after registering. You may donate at the event.

July 20: Volkshaus in Zürich, Switzerland

Learning Authentic Meditation: Going Deeper into your Self

Channel-Higher-Self-Zurich-meditationJourney deeper within yourself in this meditation workshop. Understand the many powerful benefits of meditation – including inner peace, improved concentration, quieter mind, and spiritual experiences. We begin the workshop by starting with the outer most methods of meditation and progress, step by step and layer by layer deeper into ourselves. You will receive a new meditation method at each layer of your being, helping you to best concentrate and quiet your senses, body, emotions, energy system and mind. In the end we reach the state of pure consciousness – the deepest part of yourself.

This workshop is the ideal setting for you to enter the timeless awareness of your inner self. The meditation instruction provided will be a unique combination of ancient methods from Yoga, Kundalini and forest dwelling Buddhism (pre-monastic era), along with the Higher Self knowledge and guidance.

Ample time will be provided for the group questions and answers after each guided meditation and instruction period. Personal consultation will be available upon request. When you exit this workshop you will have learned effective meditation techniques and, most importantly, have gained more confidence in your meditation practice and deeper realization about your true self.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100Participate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

Date: Saturday July 20, 2013
10:00 am (10:00) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
Green Room at the Volkshaus Zürich, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich
Price: 80 Fr. for adults or 50 Fr. for students

Please register for this event here. You may pay at the event. Pre-pay is not necessary.

August 24-25: Warsaw, Poland (location to be determined)

Master the Creation of Your Life: True Secrets for Success

Become more empowered to successfully create the life you want to live. Mastery of your life begins with mastery of yourself. Learn how to work with your own mind, emotions and body to create a more successful human creative experience.

The workshop begins by helping you to develop a stronger connection to your Higher Self within. More accurately understand your soul’s path, the goals that you set out to accomplish in this lifetime, and your deepest inner desires for happiness. Then, with a strong foundation in place, learn how to bring this inner knowledge through your mind to merge with your creative energy and emotional power. Finally, take this completed inner expression into your physical body and out into the physical world. Success in our lives becomes much easier and effective when we know the science of creative success.

This workshop provide empowering information to help the participants better understand how the mind, emotions and creative physical expression work. Guided exercises will be performed to deepen the information. Real-world methods of using your mind to co-create your ideal life experience are given.

The shortcomings of many “manifestation” and “Law of Attraction” teachings is their lack of knowledge of what the mind actually is. So many teaching focus on thought creation and little else. My goal is to present a better developed science of mind mastery and personal creative mastery, taught directly by the Higher Self Consciousness. These teachings are presented in a way that any person can easily understand and apply, yet originate from a high level of enlightened consciousness.

Date: Saturday August 24, 2013 to Sunday August 25, 2013
to be determined
to be determined in Warsaw, Poland
Price: to be determined

Please register for this event here. Directions and event instructions will be emailed after registering.

August 31: Centrum de Roos in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Secrets of Your Breath: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of Your Body

Channel-Higher-Self-Amsterdam-1Your breath has always been the most effective tool for you. Your breath controls your mind, emotions, energy system and physical body. Nearly every ancient spiritual system taught breath awareness and breath control. We see different breathing practices recommended in medicine, fitness and spirituality. But what is often missing is the knowledge that the ancient masters had. This workshop will teach you this powerful knowledge.

This is a very unique and rare look at the simple act of breathing – and the great depth that our breath has.

There is so much amazing knowledge about our breath that most people fail to learn and appreciate. In this workshop you’ll walk away with a deeper appreciation of your breath, in addition to many breathing practices to improve your human experience.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100Participate online using a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

Date: Saturday August 31, 2013
Time: 1:30 pm (13:30) to 5:00 pm (17:00)
Vondelzaal room at Centrum de Roos, P.C. Hooftstraat 183, 1071 BW Amsterdam
Price: €50

Please register for this event here. You may pay at the event. Pre-pay is not necessary.

November 2: Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia USA

Higher_Self_Workshop_Atlanta_November_2013Connect with Your Higher Self

Are you on the spiritual path?  Do you want to go deeper within and awaken more of yourself?  This event will help you strengthen your inner connection to your Soul / Higher Self.

Learn the Spiritual Heart meditation to experience deeper peace and love.
Learn how to quiet your mind and increase your energy levels.
Increase your intuition and channel your Higher Self.

The event will include Higher Self channeled teachings and guided meditations, and open floor Q & A to answer your specific questions.

Event runs Saturday November 2 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The event will take place at the Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta. The clubhouse is located 20 miles from the Atlanta International Airport. Assistance with transportation can be arranged with the group of attendees. Directions can be generated using this Google map link.


Early registration before October 25 is set at $50 for the day. Please register for this event here.

Tickets at the door will be available for $60 the day.

Note:After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment.  Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.

November 3: Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia USA

Higher_Self_Workshop_Atlanta_November_2013Emotional Health: Increasing Self-Love and Love in Relationships

We all want happiness.  But do we know how to get it and how to give it?

In this Higher Self channeled workshop you will learn about love – the greatest happiness that we can experience.  There are different types of love: the love we have for ourselves (self-love, self-respect, confidence), the love we have for others (romantic love, compassion, friendship, kindness), and the love we have for God or the Source of Life.

In this workshop, Lincoln will channel the Higher Self to give you information and methods to increase your experience of love.  Experience 4 guided meditations: self-love, romantic love, friendship love, and Divine Love.  You can ask questions to the Higher Self about your personal experiences.

Love is our reality.  This workshop will help you remove the confusion and walls blocking your experience of oneness and love.

Event runs Sunday November 3 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The event will take place at the Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta. The clubhouse is located 20 miles from the Atlanta International Airport. Assistance with transportation can be arranged with the group of attendees. Directions can be generated using this Google map link.


Early registration before October 25 is set at $50 for the day. Please register for this event here.

Tickets at the door will be available for $60 for the day.

Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment.  Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check.

Skype Participation Available

Skype-logo-100To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.


Thank you all for your support and cooperation. Without your help these events would not be possible. I look forward to meeting you all in person and sharing in the Higher Self experience with you. Blessings and Love always. Namaste.

As more events are confirmed, they will be posted here.

If you would like to host a Higher Self Teachings event, please contact me using the contact form.