Channel Higher Self World Tour 2014
Lincoln, the channel for Higher Self will be offering workshops around the world in 2014. Participation will be in person and (when possible) online via Skype webcam group chat. Space is limited. Registration is first come, first serve.
New events will be posted as they are scheduled. Registration for events will begin once dates are confirmed.
February 28: Los Angeles (Tarzana), California USA
Meet Lincoln, YouTube’s Channel Higher Self: Social Potluck Dinner
7:00 pm to 11:00 pm at a private residence in the LA suburb, Tarzana.
Join an informal dinner get-together in the greater Los Angeles area to meet Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s Channel Higher Self. On Firday, February 28th beginning at 7:00 pm, the doors will open to anyone interested in meeting Lincoln and other spiritual-minded and Love-hearted people.
This is a low key, open hearted potluck dinner. Please bring a healthy dish of food to share with everyone. Most foods served will be vegan, vegetarian, and raw food. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted. Pets are not allowed.
One of the many purposes for this dinner event is to meet many students of the Channel Higher Self teachings. Often during and after events little time is available for informal socializing. This dinner event will re-awaken those lost opportunities for spiritual discussions and just plain fun.
Meeting other people in the greater Los Angeles area who share similar spiritual interests and healthy lifestyles may spark new friendships.
Another purpose is to build stronger connections the night before the Channel Higher Self events on March 1st and March 2nd. By having the group of attendees meet prior to the event, energetic harmonies will already have been created when Saturday’s workshop begins.
Attending Saturday’s Higher Self workshop is not necessary. Attendance at the potluck is open to any good-hearted person.
IMPORTANT >>> Please register for this event using the contact form. I will reply by sending you the address of the location and directions.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
March 1: Los Angeles (Val Verde), California USA
Remove Doubt. Create Trust, Faith and Evidence of Your Oneness with God and Higher Self
Do you want to have first-hand evidence of your Oneness of God? Do you want to receive Higher Self guidance that is 100% accurate? Remove your doubt. Rise above your ego. Manifest with effectiveness in your life!
Genuinely enlightened spiritual teachers talk about the miracles they experience and the evidence that they have that everything is God. Some teachers, like Lincoln, even state that they can communicate with the Universal Intelligence to manifest with clarity and effectiveness… and to know what the correct action to for a person to take is.
This workshop will help you develop this same level of faith, trust and confidence. You will be taught how to develop yourself at a very deep level, to open your self to God, so that you can experience this oneness personally and easily.
1. If you find that you doubt your inner guidance or cannot access it, then this workshop is perfect for you.
2. If you want to have more peace and less worry about your life path and soul path, then this workshop is perfect for you.
3. If you desire genuine spiritual enlightenment, want to feel union with God in every moment, then this workshop is perfect for you!
Event runs Saturday March 1 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at a private residence in the Greater Los Angeles, California area called Val Verde. Val Verde is a community in the rolling hills just north of Los Angeles, opposite Malibu.
Participation is set at $50 for the day. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (in Val Verde), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
March 2: Los Angeles (Val Verde), California USA
Uncover and Remove the Source of Your Karma with your Higher Self
Freedom from karma, freedom from suffering, and freedom from ignorance are all possible in this lifetime. When you work with your Higher Self (your inner Guru), your path to health, happiness and spiritual enlightenment is made clear and easy to travel.
In this workshop you will gain the wisdom and tools necessary to uncover your deepest karma, the most important parts driving your personality and your life path. When you work with your Higher Self, your inner Guru will clear away all the blocks keeping you from greater spiritual awakening.
Working with your Higher Self is the easiest and most direct road to enlightenment – yet people are socially trained to doubt themselves, to look outside themselves, and to wrongly believe that something they buy will give them genuine spiritual growth. It will not. Spirituality is the study of your Spirit. Only by connecting with your Spirit will you grow in spirituality. Your Spirit is inside of you.
1. Are you tired of healers and healing methods that don’t seem to work?
2. Do you want to have a clear and direct path to spiritual awakening that is easy to follow?
3. Do you want emotional freedom, constant peace, and blissful Love always within yourself?
This Higher Self workshop will take you into yourself, clearing the emotional and energy blocks, and giving your mind knowledge from your Soul and Higher Self. The purpose of this workshop is to help you experience your Spiritual Enlightenment – the truth of who you are at your deepest Center.
Event runs Sunday March 12 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at a private residence in the Greater Los Angeles, California area called Val Verde. Val Verde is a community in the rolling hills just north of Los Angeles, opposite Malibu.
Participation is set at $50 for the day. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (in Val Verde), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
April 5: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Stress Relief and Self Mastery: Controlling your Mind and Emotions with Ease
10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Saratoga Clubhouse, located in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta.
Sights, sounds, and energy swirl around us all day long. Wouldn’t it be nice to not get caught up in the all the movement and chaos of this world? Freedom and inner peace is already within you. You only must learn to unlock it!
Stress is a common experience for nearly everyone. Unfortunately, most of us accept stress as part of life. Few of us have been taught how to reduce and even completely remove stress. This Higher Self workshop will give you these tool for stress relief and stress removal.
Stress is the result of how we respond to our life experiences. Stress can be physical (due to poor posture, too much physical exercise, not enough sleep, etc), emotional (due to relationships, our jobs, our families, lack of support, etc) or mental (due to lack of knowledge, improper thinking habits, use of stimulating foods or drugs, etc).
Society teaches us that stress is “bad” and that stress attacks us like an outside invader. The world makes us stressed. People give us stress. But this not a correct understanding. This belief creates disempowerment and keeps us in suffering and feeling helpless.
The truth is that stress is our mind, emotions and body trying to communicate something important to us. When we are living out of balance with our bodies, we experience physical stress; our relationships, emotional stress, and; our world, mental stress. Stress is the short term result of living incorrectly. Stress leads to illness and disease, the long term result of living incorrectly. The Universe is always trying to teach our souls how to live in this world. The Universe is not desiring to harm us.
In this Higher Self workshop, you will learn how to release, reduce and removal all types of stress. Mental stress, emotional stress and physical stress can all be overcome with proper understanding and effective action. This workshop will give you the knowledge you need and the practices to help you life stress-free all the time, even when life presents new challenges.
When you are ready to register, please click here and complete the registration form.
Participation is set on a sliding scale of $50 to $100 for the day. Please chose an amount that feels right in your heart. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
April 6: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Dive into Inner Space: Accessing Higher Frequencies of Energy within the Silence of Your Self
10:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Saratoga Clubhouse, located in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta.
Get ready inner space cosmonauts! Planned is a full day of verbal silence (no talking) and a series of guided meditations to deepen your consciousness and access higher frequencies of energy. Expect to spend most of the day in silence and meditation, with breaks after each meditation to walk, stretch, rest and go deeper. Everyone will be honoring verbal silence, which will give each of us the optimal environment to awaken inner experiences of heightened awareness. Expect visions, vibrations, accelerations of consciousness, peace, happiness and Love as we are all guided into the inner spaces of our consciousness to access more of what is possible.
The series of guided meditations will include:
1. Vibrating the physical body with the etheric body’s energy to charge the cells with prana/chi.
2. Kundalini energy / Sushumna breathing.
3. Working with the Sacred OM (AUM) Mantra to connect to the Original Creative Energy of the Universe.
4. Kriya Yoga breathing technique to cleanse the energy channels (nadis / meridians).
5. Seeing the Inner Light within the Ajna Chakra (3rd eye)
6. Entering the Void Space with no thoughts and still emotions
7. Body movement meditations to ground the spirit into the physical body
8. and more surprise meditations as we connect to our Higher Selves!
This is my most intensive energy work meditation workshop yet. It’ll be sure to be powerful. You’ll learn many techniques that you can continue to use on your own to deepen your spiritual growth.
To participate in this event, prior experience with meditation and energy work practices is not required, but it is recommended. All of the meditations will be guided, so you can relax into the experience. If you are new to meditation, I do recommend that you speak with me at least a few days prior to the event or you attend the Friday social gathering and/or Saturday workshop on Stress and Self Mastery. This way I can give you advice to help your meditations be deeper and more rewarding.
If you want to gain the most from this workshop, I recommend working with me in a personal Higher Self session prior to my trip to Atlanta. I will give you practices to prepare your mind and energy system for these powerful meditations.
Please bring with you a pillow and blanket. Chairs will be provided, however you may also bring meditation cushions, meditation benches, and yoga mats. It is important that your body is comfortable during meditation. A body with tension or pain will keep the mind focused on the physical sensations and prevent the consciousness from going deeper into non-physical reality.
It is also important to bring your own container of water or herbal tea to hydrate you during the day’s energy activities. Many of these meditations will generate “spiritual heat”, called Agni. This internal heat is a natural biproduct of increasing the flow of non-physical energy inside our physical bodies. Hydration with water or herbal teas is helpful to balance the fire element.
For your lunch, I recommend packing a lunch with you. There is a refrigerator and kitchen on site that you can use to store and heat your lunch. For the best results, I recommend staying on the clubhouse premises during your lunch break. This will keep you in the meditative energies of the group.
When you are ready to register, please click here and complete the registration form.
Participation is set on a sliding scale of $75 to $150 for the day. Please chose an amount that feels right in your heart. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
May 2, 3, & 4: Atlanta, Georgia USA
3 Day Higher Self Meditation and Yoga Retreat
Begins on Friday May 2 at 4:00pm. Ends on Sunday, May 4 at 6:00pm
Lincoln Gergar (YouTube’s Channel Higher Self) and Joanna Elkhoury (Altanta-based yoga instructor and Pranic Healing practitioner) have created a 3-Day Higher Self Meditation & Yoga Retreat at Coossawattee River Resort in Ellijay, Georgia.
Experience 3 days of Higher Self channeled teachings and guided meditations (by Lincoln), instructor led yoga (by Joanna) and pranayama breathing sessions (by both).
Enjoy a fully catered menu of delicious raw vegan and cooked vegetarian foods.
Luxurious modern-day forest cabins offer quiet space to relax between events and peaceful places to sleep after a deeply rewarding day.
Spend your free time enjoying the rest of the resort’s enjoyable activities like nature walks, swimming in the indoor pool or natural river, exercising in the gym, playing tennis, sunbathing, relaxing in the jacuzzi hot tub or reading in the grass.
Throughout the weekend we will have a licensed massage therapist on site to further deepen your relaxation and open up your body to the higher energies.
Yoga, meditation and teachings will take place inside a large climate-controlled conference center.
This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to celebration your life and nourish yourself in a healthy way.
Abundant Schedule of Activities
This retreat is designed as a light-hearted and fun opportunity to connect with yourself, expand your consciousness and nourish your mind, body and emotions. No prior experience with spiritual retreats is necessary.
Participants will join instructor-led yoga sessions every morning and evening (5 total), Higher Self guided meditations throughout the day (6 total), Higher Self teachings on life and spirituality (4 total), and adequate time for relaxation, exploration and socializing.
The schedule has been designed to give you the freedom to honor yourself and your level of involvement.
Healthy Catered Meals
From Friday to Sunday, the event will be fully catered with raw foods, vegan foods, and vegetarian foods. A hypoallergenic diet will be served. Participants not following a plant-based diet may bring their own light animal foods including dairy, fish and eggs. Cooking facilities are available.
Healthy foods will be served, however this is not a strict dietary retreat. You will not be restricted in this way. This is a spiritual retreat and all dietary lifestyles are welcome.
Beautiful Nature Resort
The Coossawattee River Resort is a 5,500 acres natural community that offers space for gatherings and group events.
The resort has over 170 miles of paved and gravel roads, river frontage, swimming, and numerous exercise activities, Coossawattee River Resort is an ideal setting for a deeply nurturing and consciousness expanding group experience.
The location is:
Coossawattee River Resort
Ellijay, GA
Moderns Cabins
All participates are invited to stay at cabins inside the Coossawatte River Resort. A group of cabins have been reserved that share an outdoor jacuzzi hot tub and private sitting area.
Participants have the option of lodging in their own private bedroom in one of these shared cabins. For participants wanting more privacy, individual cabins are also available. Please view the rates below and contact us if you have additional questions or requests.
Large Event Center
All yoga, meditation, meals and group events will take place inside Coossawatte’s first-rate event center. Originally designed as restaurant and event hall, this building is spacious and features a full kitchen. The event center is located within walking distance from the cabins.
When you are ready to register, please click here and complete the registration form.
Three difference prices have been set for the event. All prices include full participation from Friday to Sunday and 7 catered meals. The difference is based on the type of lodging that you request.
1. Event only. No lodging. $250.00
Note: This option is only available to participates who will be driving to the event. Coossawattee River Resort is located 1.5 hours from Atlanta, GA.
2. Event participation with shared lodging. $300.00
This is the recommended option for people wanting to participate. Your lodging will be an individual bed in a large cabin that sleeps 5 to 8 people. Each cabin has 3 bedrooms and a sleeper sofa. You may request other participates to lodge with (i.e., friends or family).
3. Event participation with a private cabin. $450.00
This option secures you a single or double bedroom private cabin. If you privacy and more interior living space, this is the best option.
4. Event participation on Skype video. $150.00 for the weekend or $100.00 per day
This option is offered to people not able to attend the retreat in person. All events (yoga, meditation, channeling, teaching) will be broadcast on Skype video. Food and lodging is not included in this price.
Payment Schedule
To reserve your position at this event, a $100 deposit is required. Upon deposit, your lodging will also be reserved. The remainder of the payment is due before Monday, April 21, 2014. All deposits and payments are refundable prior to April 21. After April 21, the deposit is not refundable but the remainder of the payment is refundable.
Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive further instructions, the address of the event, directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost has been adjusted for Skype participants (minus costs of food and lodging). The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
June – July 2014: Europe Tour
June 7 & 8, 2014: Wicklow Mountains near Dublin, Ireland
Heaven on Earth Zone
9:00 am to end of day, both days. Located at Glendalough House, a 1,500 acre private estate.
Maximum capacity is set at over 100 people!
5 star location!
5 star food!
5 star consciousness!
5 star energy!
5 star activation!
We have created Heaven on Earth for you this one-time weekend!
Experience Heaven on Earth as we celebrate our divinity as one family of Light. Share in the energy of Europe’s top light workers and Lincoln Gergar, the world’s premiere channel for Higher Self Consciousness. Ask questions, get answers, immerse yourselves in automatic energy activations that will speed your ascension process of spiritual mastery. Here is a unique opportunity to experience your Higher Self in the spiritual energy fields creating Heaven on Earth in Wicklow, Ireland.
5 Star Location
Two days of spiritual empowerment and channeled messages are being offered at at Glendalough House, a 1,500 acre estate in the spiritually-charged Wicklow Mountains. This historic mountainside estate embodies the energy of Ireland’s ancient spiritual past, making it the perfect destination to anchor the spiritual frequencies necessary to awaken Heaven on Earth inside and around us all. The buildings are spacious and stunning. Experience top rate service inside a top rate atmosphere – all spiritually charged from Heaven Above!
5 Star Food
The event includes catered lunch, finger foods, tea and coffee by world class chef and light worker Pauli Pascoe. Dine on world class food super-charged with spiritual energy and prepared with sacred intent. Look out over breath-taking views of the emerald Irish countryside while you dine, dance and sing. You are invited to bring your instruments and open-hearts to celebration our humanity incarnations together as the sun sets and hearts glow.
5 Star Consciousness
Each day will feature over 7 hours of channeled messages. Topics include upcoming world events, the future of mankind as we complete our global ascension, and the activation of our higher spiritual abilities as ordained by God Consciousness. This is an event like no other. It’s not your typical workshop. Brand new information never revealed before will be yours. Each day 5 hours of channeling will be devoted to answering questions that you, the audience, will ask. Yes! You have the opportunity to receive answers and guidance directly from Higher Self Consciousness!
5 Star Energy
Experience Heaven on Earth in one of Ireland’s finest spiritual areas – the Wicklow Mountains. Celebrate reality on 1,500 acres of remarkable Irish country side – rolling hills, wooded mountains, and emerald pastures. Share Light and Love in multiple historic stone buildings finished in regal wood floors and furniture, embraced in breath-taking views. Gardens, walking trails, foundations and more dot the landscape… all giving you the feel of truly living in Heaven on Earth.
5 Star Activation
There is more! Energies from the highest spiritual dimensions, causal planes and astral planes will be flooded into the land, buildings and space for days prior to the event – raising the vibrations of all forms into their ascended states of bliss consciousness and Love vibration. Light beings will walk the grounds, sharing in these energies, working with us, and celebrating side by side as we all attune to our Higher Self state of Mastery, Abundance and Enlightenment.
You will be a changed person after this event. This is one event not to be missed!
Register Now
This is a unique and rarely offered opportunity for the master light workers on this Earth to unite, radiant their brilliance and experience Heaven on Earth here and now!
Location: Glendalough House, Annamoe, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Price: 97 Euros for one day (Saturday or Sunday). 169 Euros for both days
Spend the night in one of Glendalough Houses’ magestic bedrooms: Please contact the House for rates and availability.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. Click here to register. and use the Buy It Now buttons specific for Skype.
All Skype participants will also receive a full set of mp3 audio recordings of the day’s channeled messages and q & a.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
June 14, 2014: London, England, United Kingdom
Connect to Your Higher Self & Frequency Mastery in the Energy Body
10:00 am (1000) – 5:00 pm (1700). Located at Aspire Wellbeing in West Dulwich, England
Get 2 for 1 in this Higher Self London workshop. This is a 2-part workshop giving you Higher Knowledge and Energy.
First you will learn how to connect directly to your Higher Self consciousness. – so that you can receive your own guidance directly from Source Consciousness. Your Higher Self is the Inner Teacher that God Consciousness has placed into you. It is the job of the Higher Self to direct your soul during all of it’s incarnation, including your present human lifetime. Having a Higher Self connection is the most important part of the spiritual journey because then you will have accurate guidance for everything you do. Proper Higher Self guidance will make your decision easy and your soul path clear.
Second you will learn how to enter your energy body (etheric layer with chakra and meridians) and use your mind to create new frequencies of very fast healing and spiritual transformation. You will be given very specific energy frequencies that greatly accelerate your spiritual growth and awakening process. Everything in existence is vibration. Knowing how to change your energy body’s vibration will give you the power to easily change any part of your life at the core level.
This 2-part workshop will include channeled messages from the Higher Self through world famous channel Lincoln Gergar. Since 2007, Lincoln has been the #1 most viewed Higher Self channel worldwide. Simply sitting with Lincoln will cause energy activations and greatly accelerate your spiritual growth process.
Lincoln will be touring England for only 2 weeks this year. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience something incredible and deeply transformational.
Click here to register for this event.
Aspire Wellbeing
1 Park Hall Road
West Dulwich
London SE21 8EH
Price: 50 Pounds for one day (Saturday or Sunday). 90 Pounds for both days
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
June 15, 2014: London, England, United Kingdom
Become a Healer of Yourself & Others: Core Principles for Spiritual Transformation
10:00 am (1000) – 5:00 pm (1700). Located at Aspire Wellbeing in West Dulwich, England
Every person is a healer, but few people know how to heal. Awaken your healing abilities in the most direct and powerful way – by connecting to your Soul and Source.
Do you want to become a healer? This workshop will connect you to your Higher Self and the direct flow of Source Energy – where all true, lasting healing takes place. Are you already a healer? This workshop will take your healing abilities to the next level.
Receive energy activations. Have your all of your chakras opened and filled with Divine Love and spiritual power.
Learn how true healing happens. Understand the core science of mind, emotions, energy and body.
Get connected to your Higher Self. Open your higher mind so that you can get spiritual guidance for yourself and give spiritual guidance to others.
Get connected to Source Consciousness. Learn how to plug into the direct flow of creative power and healing energy. Learn where in your energy body this energy flow begins and awaken this secret doorway!
Every person can be a healer for himself / herself, other people and our beautiful planet. Gain access to one of the most powerful abilities you have. Awaken to your greater potential and bring mastery into your spiritual path. This is a workshop not to be missed.
Click here to register for this workshop.
Aspire Wellbeing
1 Park Hall Road
West Dulwich
London SE21 8EH
Price: 50 Pounds for one day (Saturday or Sunday). 90 Pounds for both days
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
June 20, 21 & 22, 2014: Retreat at The Old Workshop in Dereham (Norwich), England, United Kingdom
2nd Annual Higher Self U.K. Retreat
Spend 3 days in a natural, peaceful setting as we share together in the Higher Self channeled messages, spiritual teachings, guided meditations, qi gong energy practices, gentle yoga, music and social activities. This retreat is a mix of heart-centered spiritual development, mental serenity and emotional nourishment.
Join together with people who share a similar heart-centered spiritual approach to life. This is a gentle retreat sprinkled in with fun experience for adults, families and children. There will be channeled teachings, sitting meditations and guided energy practices alternated with time to reflect and discuss our experiences. We will honor the sacred space that we all co-create with periods of silence and also periods of social communication. Just like nature, we honor all sides of life.
Each day will begin each day with qi gong and gentle yoga* to awaken our bodies, minds, and energy systems. Receive Higher Self teachings and guided meditations throughout the daylight hours. Discuss our experiences to increase the wisdom we live by. Honor the sunrises and sunsets with Surya Namaskara – an ancient sacred science of solar communion and energy activations. After the sun falls, each day, we celebrate with social interactions, music, dance and fire.
* I am a certified yoga instructor with the International Board of Yoga and the Yoga Alliance USA. I received my training in India, studying the traditional methods. During these yoga sessions, you will receive individual instruction on posture, alignment, breath control and mind control.
The location is The Old Workshop in Dereham, England – a 2+ acre spiritual retreat center, complete with numerous buildings and open pasture.
This retreat will be fully catered. You have the option of purchasing catered meals at 25 pounds per person. This will cover your meals on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The meals will be vegetarian. You may also choose to bring your own food with you.
If you plan to stay overnight on the property, some buildings will be available but indoor sleeping space may be limited due to the number of people attending. Please bring your own sleeping bag. If you wish to camp on the properly, bring a tent. There will be adequate cooking, bathing, and bathroom facilities for everyone.
On Friday and Saturday nights, we will have a music, dance and fire. If you would like, you may bring a musical instrument and join in the fun. Also performance equipment like hula hoops, fire spinning, illumination may be brought.
Children may attend and a few have already been registered. The children will be supervised while they enjoy the natural world, the stream on the property, and a few local surprises. Last year, it was strawberry picking. This year we have fun planned!
Attendance is by donation only. There is no set amount. Donate any amount that feels right within your Heart. Your donations will be used to to help future Higher Self events and offset my travel costs throughout Europe. I do ask that you donate a separate amount of 25 Pounds per person to cover food costs. 100% of food donations go to our hosts and caretakers.
Date: Friday June 20, 2014 – Sunday June 22, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm (14:00) on Friday to 6:00 pm (18:00) on Sunday
Location: Private residence in Dereham. Address will be emailed after registration.
Price: There is no set amount for this event. Please donate an amount that feels right in your hearts.
* In addition to your donation, please add 25 Pounds for catered meals, per person. 100% of this amount goes to our hosts and caretakers.
Please register for this event here. Directions and event instructions will be emailed after registering. You may donate at the event.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
June 28 and 29, 2014: Zurich, Switzerland
Channel Higher Self Presents in Zurich
11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday June 28. Located in a private residence in Erlenbach area of Zurich
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Sunday June 29. Located in a private residence in Erlenbach area of Zurich
On Saturday June 28 and Sunday June 29, you have an opportunity to communicate with the Higher Self God Consciousness to receive answers to all of your questions. The Higher Self is a type of Universal Intelligence that guides our souls during our lifetimes. We all have a Higher Self, however few of us communicate with it. Once awakened, the Higher Self helps us to make the best decisions in our lives.
The workshops will include channeled answers to questions that the audience asks and channeled spiritual teachings to help you connect more fully to God Consciousness. Ask the Higher Self your questions about life, your soul path, your lessons, past lifetimes, spiritual practices, relationships, your job / career, and more. If you are a dedicated to your spiritual growth or curious about communication with god Consciousness, please do not miss this unique opportunity.
Both workshop days will feature different information and unique meditations and spiritual practices.
Click here to register for this workshop.
Dates & Times
Saturday June 28, 2014
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday June 29, 2014
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Erlenhoehe, a Private Home in Erlenbach
Zurich, Switzerland
Price: 50 Euros for one day (Saturday or Sunday). 75 Euros for both days
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
July 5, 2014: Stockholm, Sweden
Communicate with God Consciousness. Receive Information, Energy, and Healing
11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Located in Aquarius bookstore.
Would you like to speak with God? What would you ask? What would God say? On July 5th, you have this opportunity.
God (or Source Consciousness) exists within us and around us. I was born with the gift to experience higher Heavenly dimensions and to speak with the Source Consciousness. I call this Consciousness the Universal Higher Self – because it is the greatest part of us all. We are all one with God. It is our True Self at the highest level.
When I was a teenage boy, I would give messages to people to help them in their lives. When I was 18, God started preparing me to become a teacher to the world. I studied the spiritual masters of human history and was taught by angels and light beings. I meditated for hours every day. At age 24, God asked me to begin sharing free teachings for everyone. Today, I have nearly 2,000 recorded live video teachings – unedited, pure and direct.
Since 2005, I have channeled God Consciousness to people in nearly every country. My videos have been viewed over 2,000,000 times. This is my first time teaching in Sweden and visiting your beautiful country.
On Saturday July 5, you have an opportunity to communicate with God Consciousness to receive answers to all of your questions. The workshop will include channeled answers to questions that the audience asks and channeled spiritual teachings to help you connect more fully to God Consciousness. Please do not miss this unique opportunity.
Join Lincoln Gergar, YouTube’s channel for Higher Self, for his first workshop in Sweden. Experience 5 hours of Higher Self channeling, spiritual awakening teachings and guided meditations.
I look forward to meeting all of you and teaching in Sweden for my first time. For my many long distance Swedish students, it will be wonderful to meet you in person.
Click here to register for this workshop.
Aquarius bookstore
Queen Street 83
Box 45096
104 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Price: 50 Euros or 450 Krona
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Personal Higher Self Sessions & Health Consultation
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during his time in Sweden. Personal sessions will take place at a private residence. The address will be provided after scheduling. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
October 25: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Step into Your Creative Mastery: Find Your Purpose and Live It!
10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Saratoga Clubhouse, located in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life…. are you living it fully?
Why are you here? Are you truly happy with how you have been living? Do you understand the full power you have – waiting to used?
#1 You have an endless spring of creative energy flowing through you. Discover it and learn how to direct it.
#2 You are an eternal soul – eternal and not limited by this world. Live from your true center and be free.
#3 Your inner knowing is your guide. Trust yourself and live your perfect dream.
When you understand these three principles, your entire life will change for the best.
In this full day workshop, you will be taught, guided and transformed by the Higher Self within you. We are all busting at the seems – deeply desiring to find our purpose and, most importantly, bring it out from within us to manifest in this world. Give yourself this opportunity to discover and unlock the wellspring of creative energy inside your spirit.
For a full 7 hours, the Higher Self will reveal to you core spiritual truths that will shift your mind into a higher state of understanding – removing the limitations of fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity. Together in the vibration of the Higher Self, your lower energies of resistance will fall away effortlessly. As Above, so below…. Higher transforms lower… Dive deeply into the Higher Self frequencies and be transformed.
You will be taught powerful methods that quickly and easily remove the emotional energies blocking you. You will learn how to accelerate your creative process by raising your vibration and connecting with your Higher Self. We are not alone in our life journey. We are fully supported by our Inner Teacher and by Source.
Lessons include:
- Learn the purpose of desire and how to honor it, rather than fight against it.
- Discover the actual energy pathway of creation within you. Remove the energy blocks that reduce your creative power.
- Learn an ancient technique to center yourself in your Higher Self in only a few breaths.
- Emotions have a primary purpose in our lives. Understand their language and use them.
- Life is a hologram. What we hold within us, we perceive and attract outside us.
- Finally, learn what it takes for a soul to truly master this human experience and Ascend.
Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self, has been guiding people into their Higher Self state of realization since 2007. He has held workshops in 10 countries and individually instructed people in every part of the world. This is your opportunity to learn from one of the world’s most experienced channels and the internet’s #1 Higher Self channel.
Click here and complete the registration form.
Participation is set on a sliding scale of $50 to $100 for the day. Please chose an amount that feels right in your heart. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
September 26: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Higher Self Immersion: Full Day Meditation Retreat
10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Saratoga Clubhouse, located in Lawrenceville, GA – a suburb of Atlanta.
Experience 7 hours of Higher Self channeling with guided meditations and guided energy practices. This full day of spiritual immersion will give you a great opportunity for faster progress and awakening.
As you may know from attending past Higher Self workshops, I teach in the moment without a prepared script or plan. I fully trust the Universe and let it guide the experience according to It’s higher wisdom. “Not my will be done, but Thy Will be done.” Always, the perfect information and techniques are revealed, as determined by the audience and what they need to grow.
You can expect:
1. 3 hours of 3 meditations. 30 minutes for lunch. 3 hours of 3 meditations. 30 minutes for q & a discussion. (Bathroom breaks given between meditations.)
2. Multiple meditations designed to quiet your thoughts, relax your body, and take your consciousness into your Inner Space – where you may have visions, soul journeys, communication with guides, energy activations, healing and more.
3. Quiet environment with no talking until the closing q&a discussion. Relaxing and supportive meditation music.
4. Supportive group of like-minded and open-hearted spiritual students of their own inner Truth. We allow for all beliefs and ideas. We join together to support each other and accept each other.
To participate in this event, prior experience with meditation and energy work practices is not required, but it is recommended. All of the meditations will be guided, so you can fully relax into the experience. If you are new to meditation, I do recommend that you speak with me at least a few days prior to the event or at Saturday workshop on Creative Mastery and Life Purpose. This way I can give you advice to help your meditations be deeper and more rewarding.
If you want to gain the most from this workshop, I recommend working with me in a personal Higher Self session prior to my trip to Atlanta. I will give you practices to prepare your mind and energy system for these powerful meditations.
Please bring with you a pillow and blanket. Chairs will be provided, however you may also bring meditation cushions, meditation benches, and yoga mats. It is important that your body is comfortable during meditation. A body with tension or pain will keep the mind focused on the physical sensations and prevent the consciousness from going deeper into non-physical reality.
It is also important to bring your own container of water or herbal tea to hydrate you during the day’s energy activities. Many of these meditations will generate “spiritual heat”, called Agni. This internal heat is a natural byproduct of increasing the flow of non-physical energy inside our physical bodies. Hydration with water or herbal teas is helpful to balance the fire element.
For your lunch, I recommend packing a lunch with you. There is a refrigerator and kitchen on site that you can use to store and heat your lunch. For the best results, I recommend staying on the clubhouse premises during your lunch break. This will keep you in the meditative energies of the group.
When you are ready to register, please click here and complete the registration form.
Participation is set on a sliding scale of $75 to $150 for the day. Please chose an amount that feels right in your heart. Please register for this event here.
Note: After registering you will be emailed a confirmation including where to send your payment. Payment will be in the form of cash or personal check. You will also receive the address of the event (Saratoga Clubhouse in Lawrenceville, GA), directions and a map.
Skype Participation Available
To participate online use a live Skype video chat room, please register. The cost and event times are the same. Skype participants will have the same opportunities to participate and ask questions as the in-person attendees. When registering for this event’s Skype participation, please tell me that you will be using Skype.
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
TBA: Chicago Area, Illinois USA
Workshop – topic to be posted
Time to be announced. Located a Intuitive Arts Training Center in Naperville, IL – a suburb of Chicago.
More information will be posted soon.
The location is:
Intuitive Arts Training Center
1701 Quincy Ave, Suite 30
Naperville, IL 60540
(turn on Brookshire Ct to find Suite 30)
Lincoln will also be available for in-person personal channeling sessions and spiritual and/or health consultation during this time frame. To schedule your session, message Lincoln using the contact form.
October – November 2014: Chang Mai, Thailand
Four different 7-day retreats will be offered. Each retreat will consists of Higher Self channeled teachings by Lincoln Gergar, yoga classes, nutrition classes, massage and energy healing sessions, and trips to local sacred sites, monasteries and temples.
Each week will be designed to focus on specific aspects of the Higher Self teachings. Topics include awakening and healing the chakras and energy body, deep meditation and mind mastery, human psychology and relationship guidance, and more.
Prices, dates, and location details are coming soon.
This series of retreats was previously scheduled for 2013, however due to delays in the finished construction of building at the resort, the retreats have been postponed until 2014.
Thank you all for your support and cooperation. Without your help these events would not be possible. I look forward to meeting you all in person and sharing in the Higher Self experience with you. Blessings and Love always. Namaste.
As more events are confirmed, they will be posted here.