Collaborations With Spirit: 21+ Channeled Messages To Activate Your Energy System and Create From Divine Flow
Collaborations With Spirit: 21+ Channeled Messages To Activate Your Energy System and Create From Divine Flow
Thank you for participating in the the Collaborations With Spirit video series with Christina Miglino and Lincoln Gergar, the Channel for Higher Self. As a show of appreciation, Lincoln is offering a 33% off coupon for all products sold through his websites Higher Self Teachings and Channel Higher Self.
This is a one-time coupon that can be applied to any purchase of:
- guided meditation CDs or downloaded mp3 files
- video workshops
- YouTube video mp3 downloads (available on Channel Higher Self)
To receive your 33% discount, enter the coupon code Collab33 in the shopping cart before check out. Coupon expires December 31, 2019.
One on One Higher Self Channeling
To work with Lincoln in a personal channeling session, please message him using the contact form. Lincoln offers one-on-one sessions in which he channels the Higher Self to support your spiritual awakening. In session you will receive
- the Higher Self’s answers to your questions
- energetic support that assists in the raising of your vibration
- information and exercises for the healing and purification of your mind, emotions and energy system
- clarity related to your life situations – understand why events happen and how creation works
- additional information that the Higher Self sees is important for you at this time in your life
For more than 15 years, Lincoln has helped souls to find clarity and achieve success in their human journeys. Personal Higher Self channeling sessions are a powerful way to experience accelerated personal growth and spiritual awakening. Tow work with Lincoln, please contact him here.
Guided Meditations CDs & MP3s
From Fear to Love: Working with Fear’s Transformational Power
Learn how to work with the energy of fear. Shift from limitation to mastery. Become empowered to change your life and achieve your goals.
Freedom to Forgive: Release the Burdens of Your Past with Love
Release the emotional burdens of your past, forgive yourself and others with Love & move forward to create the life you have you have always dreamed of.
Awaken Your Spiritual Heart: Your Doorway to God’s Love
Your connection to God is within your heart. Love is more than an emotional. It is an energy that nourishes and heals your body, emotions and mind.
Introduction to Sitting Meditation
Learn how to meditate correctly step-by-step. Clear instruction, relaxing music, and helpful advice wil guide the any meditator to master the art and science of meditation.
Sacred OM Mantra Meditations
Be guided on 3 unique OM Mantra Meditations, each an authentic yoga technique rooted in thousands of years of spiritual science.
Chakra Meditation: Higher Self Guided Awakening & Healing
Awaken and heal your chakras with the Light of Consciousness and energy of Divine Love in this 2-disc CD guided meditation.
2012 Awakening: Message, Meditation, Empowerment
Prepare for the 2012 spiritual awakening by connecting your Spiritual Heart Center to your crown chakra to activate your Light Body.
Video Workshops
Radiant Heart Series – Strong Enough to Shine
You live in a field of creative energy waiting to receive your expression. The Universe is wanting you to create with it!
Connect to Your Higher Self
Learn how to connect to your Higher Self in this 3 hour workshop by Lincoln Gergar – YouTube’s most popular Higher Self channel.
Why are the Higher Self Teachings unique?
The Higher Self Teachings by Lincoln Gergar are very different from other spiritual teachings. They are a direct transmission of higher consciousness information and energy from the Higher Self. The limited human ego has been removed as the channeled information is delivered to you.
In modern times, the majority of spiritual teachers repeat concepts, information and practices that have been read in books written by other authors. These teachings are taught from one personal mind to the next personal mind as a transmission of conceptual information only. Often times the teachers repeating the information have little or no experience with the what the actual information is pointing to – such as genuine spiritual enlightened, the ‘no mind’ state, the spiritual Self, actual kundalini awakening, other dimensions, etc. In modern times, many people are publishing other people’s ideas. This trend has resulted in inaccurate information, misunderstood spiritual truths and the projection of personal imagination.
No Preparation
The Higher Self Teachings are genuinely different. All of the Higher Self Teachings are taught in the moment, with no planning, no scripts and no memorized information. In the moments prior to the live satsang, Lincoln often has no idea even what the video’s topic will be.
When watching the live videos the words are spoken in a rhythmic flow without pause or hesitation. It is evident that these teachings are not rehearsed or memorized.
No Thinking
During the actual channeling of the Higher Self teachings, Lincoln’s own personal mind is empty, still and silent. Whether for 20 minutes or 2 hours, Lincoln has no personal thoughts in his mind. When deeply connected to the Higher Self the information and energy directly flows through him as he stays in the state of present moment awareness and spiritual surrender. Lincoln Gergar is a conscious channel, having full awareness of what is being spoken – hearing it for the first time just as the audience is hearing it. In this state of surrender and communion, Lincoln’s communicates an accurate and powerful Higher Self message.
Pure Channeling
The skill of Lincoln Gergar is that he is able to directly enter the Higher Self Consciousness state and channel this energy and information as a direct transmission. As Lincoln continues to work with the Higher Self in this way, his ability to embody and communicate the Higher Self knowledge increases. The more time spent in communion with the Higher Self, the more pure and powerful a channel he becomes.